Precision R8 Collets


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Feb 1, 2015
When I was looking for an R8 collet with the smallest specified runout, I came to find Crawford collets. They are made in England and have a specified TIR of .ooo2", about half of any of the name brands that I have seen.
Yesterday, I ran across this eBay site.
This is definitely a good price and an opportunity to populate your R8 collet collection with some high quality collets.
Likely one of the reasons I was so disappointed with my round column mill.
Cheap R8s!

I have to say that I have only a sample of one but the 3/4" Crawford collet that I bought some years ago has a TIR of about a half of a ten thousandth on my Taiwan mill/drill.

I wish that I could say the same for my Tormach!
This is an old thread ...but I found the same seller when looking for collets for my newly acquired mill drill. Has anybody bought these ...are they the quality that Crawford is noted for?