Question About Headstock Alignment

Sounds like you are making progress Dickey. I assume you checked both the vertical and horizontal alignment of the headstock?

So now you should check the tailstock alignment. Your test bar should have centres ground at each end.

Loosely mount the parallel end of the test bar in your 4 jaw chuck and locate the opposite end on a dead centre mounted in the tailstock. Adjust the jaws of your 4-jaw chuck to get a zero total indicator reading adjacent to the chuck. Make sure the other end of the test bar is sitting firmly on the dead centre in the tailstock.

Now run your dial indicator along the length of the test bar. There is no point in rotating the chuck/bar for this operation. The dial indicator shows directly whether the position of the dead centre in the tailstock is aligned with the headstock spindle. You should then extend the quill or ram of the tailstock and repeat the measurement with the dial indicator. This second operation will show if there is any angular misalignment of the tailstock.

The above tests should be repeated for the vertical or horizontal, depending on which you did first. It all takes time and effort but it's worth it in the end.
Oh no, I forgot to check vertical alignment of the HS. I will try this when I get home.
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Over an 8" length there is no movement on the vertical and horizontal plane with bar in the TS dead center. With quill extended vertical did not move but horizontal indicator showed +.0005".
I also tried the vertical alignment for the HS and the results were exactly the same as the vertical or at least appeared that way.
I think I'll leave it now and see how she cuts.
Thanks for the procedure.
Great. You are going through things systematically and ticking off the boxes one by one. A half thou misalignment over 8 inches looks pretty good to me.

As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so you will have to let us know the results of your efforts.
Over an 8" length there is no movement on the vertical and horizontal plane with bar in the TS dead center. With quill extended vertical did not move but horizontal indicator showed +.0005".
I also tried the vertical alignment for the HS and the results were exactly the same as the vertical or at least appeared that way.
I think I'll leave it now and see how she cuts.
Thanks for the procedure.
I would be tickled pink if my lathe would cut within double the numbers you are getting.
Call it good and move on and do some machine work.
You have done a great job on calibrating in your lathe and fine tuning it. Come to my place next and tune up my lathe for me.