Shop Garage Door Not Made To Last Or: We Live In A Throw Away Society...


Feb 7, 2013
Yes, I have had this garage door opener for quite a few years and the plastic parts are pretty much
substandard in my opinion. Since the opener still is in good shape, I made my own steel
version of the broken part. Thanks to some junk I have saved, it was just a couple hours in
the shop with the vice and welding torch and maybe even a little ingenuity thrown just because.
Here's the old part and the new part side by side for a comparison. Also a photo of the part
after installed so you can see where it is located. We seem to be living in a throw away society
these days and it isn't getting better. Seemingly we are surrounded by plastic "stuff" just waiting
to break. OK, folks, I done with my rant. By the way, the garage door works perfectly now...IMG_0653.JPG IMG_0654.JPG ]
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Nice work. Who thought that was a good idea in plastic???
I recently re-made a garage door opener part too:


Seems they are all cheaply made. This trolley was originally designed to have a metal on metal slide! I went thru two of them before this prototype.
My pulleys are plastic! They will get re-made next I'm sure.
Does any one have a comment on who makes a superior opener?
Considering that I've replaced one three times, the answer is no. However, my doors were damaged by closing or opening them with an obstruction. I do have some wheels that are extra if you let me know what you want I might be able to help you out. They are metal.
I don't so much think its a throw away society as much as it is greedy bastards making things as cheap as possible to just grab the money and run....
Nice job.
Its very difficult to make a successful business these days with all the taxes, licenses, regs, etc etc.
If you make the part too flimsy it breaks and customers walk away.
If its too strong the market floods, it doesnt wear out and no new customers arrive.
Getting that happy medium so it lasts long enough, produces a continious income and also doesnt leave a customer *****ing about the quality is difficult.
We all want the cheapest price possible so dislike paying for high quality in a lot of items.
I buy the cheapest angle grinder I can, it has a 3 year warranty, I use it till it fails then either get a warranty replacement or buy a new one.