Small Mods To My Hf 4x6 Bandsaw

Would filling the cyl with hydraulic oil before install help to eliminate some of the air bubble problems.
Yes it might. That is what I did at first, but I didn't get all the air out on final fill. The oil is viscous enough to slow down the air bubbles. In fact a tiny amount of air might even be better. The method I used with the vacuum is just from 45 years working as a mechanic using tools I already had. Great way to bleed air out of stubborn power steering systems.
Thanks for the extra information on the hydraulic down-feed, Roy! A person couldn't ask for a better explanation or clearer pictures.

I've looked at several variations of the hydraulic downfeed mod for this saw and this one is extremely clean and very well thought out. I like how everything is attached to the cast iron base for maximum rigidity and yet all the saw features are retained.

Very nice job.
Thanx DoogieB. You are very kind in your thoughts. I meant to put it in the what did you do today thread, but somehow managed to get its own thread. It would be great to see how others design theirs on this forum.
Roy, I think it would make a good thread. Include some good close up photos to illustrate it.
Nice job documenting your build. The "Mighty Vac" is a pretty handy tool to have around, have used mine a lot over the years. Mike
Nice job documenting your build. The "Mighty Vac" is a pretty handy tool to have around, have used mine a lot over the years. Mike
Thanx FOMOGO. Purchased my first mighty vac when JC Penny stopped selling tools and automotive. It was $4.00 Best money I've ever spent. I'm on my 5th one and still find many uses for it. Used it a lot for testing power valves in Holley carburetors, brakes jobs, testing vacuum actuators and modulators and add infinitum.
I built one pritty much like Roy's way back when. The way I filled mine was to put it all together. put the hydraulic oil in a small bowel stuck the fill end in the oil and pumped the cylinder untill I got no air bubbles then caped it off while still sumerged. Work verry well. And I also wan't to say verry nice write up Roy.:applause:
I built one pritty much like Roy's way back when. The way I filled mine was to put it all together. put the hydraulic oil in a small bowel stuck the fill end in the oil and pumped the cylinder untill I got no air bubbles then caped it off while still sumerged. Work verry well.
Excellent Idea! I never would have thought of that.
That method drived from bench bleading mastercylinders for a lot of years.
Yes I have bled many MC's just to flush them out. Then used a pressure bleeder to bleed the entire system.

kd4gij - Thanx for the kind words.