South Bend 4-Jaw D1-5 chuck from Grizzly?

I have only seen 4J independent with solid reversible jaws. Only seen two piece with the scroll chucks. The Gator is a direct copy of the Bison, for the price difference I would go with the Bison. In a direct mount D1-5 not a lot of options that are decent. I am more leary of some brands like Buck, BTC, etc. as many are made in China and just rebranded.
Oh snap! MSC has discount code Ship199H for 25% off and free shipping. So the Bison comes out to $688.31 shipped but they're not in stock. Waiting on MSC to get back to me with ETA. That code is last day today. OK, MSC rep says they might be able to get it direct shipped from Bison. ETD would be about a week. Smalltools price with shipping is still cheaper at $655.24, but I've no dealings with them. MSC has always taken care of me.
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Found this little vid about Bison's then-new 2017 factory opening in Poland. Guess they like Okuma machines. Flustered Happy to see my Polish brethren making world renown quality products.