Stripey little light

Beautiful work!
Crazy-mad skills!

Wow! Any tips for getting such nice knurls? I've never quite managed to get them right.
Circumference is priority number one. I don't know if I'm doing it the technically correct way. I say that because I've read some people doing it differently to me. I calculate the circumference to the spacing of the knurling tool ribs. If the knurling tool has 1mm spacings then the circumference of the work piece needs to measure in whole millimeters for the knurling tool to line up turn after turn.

The main point is the starting circumference of the work piece and knurling tool. I work to the above calculation and start with light pressure and do a single roll to make sure it lines up first before giving it power.
cog-wheel-1 (1).png

I've heard others say the final diameter is the main point since that will mesh perfectly once formed. (though for me I prefer the above method)

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Thank you, excellent illustrations! Will give this a try next time.
Again, hats off to your work, one of the coolest flashlights I've seen in a long while!