Sunny S C !

Hope you are ok. Try not eating chocolate for a few days and see if the symptoms go away. Maybe it is merely food based. Sometimes people get strange reactions to food. My daughter as an adult developed a strange allergy to sweet cherries. So she can no longer have them.
If you press on your neck area does it crackle like Rice Krispies too?
Subcutaneous emphysema is the presence of air in the subcutaneous tissue.
Sunrise on the Atlantic . Battle for tractor rights going on between the orange and the green , I'm an orange man myself . The site of many a brewskys killed over the years . The river attracts all the younger kids from the beach , and we all knows what comes with young kids . :encourage:
Prettiest sunset I ever saw was sunrise on the Atlantic.
Take care David.
Sounds like you are a bit back of book value
530 mile trek home today and back to the grind . :encourage: We all miss the dogs .
Home on the range . Got in at 12.15am after an 7hr 55 minute drive , 1 gas stop and another pee break . JC , do I need to call 1800gotJUNK ! :eek:
Look at the ingredients for Palm Oil and it’s other names. Cheap chocolates use the cheap stuff ie Palm Oil. I have allergic reaction to the stuff, which is used in almost everything today that is ready to eat.