The ones we love


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
I'm pacing the floors waiting to take my wife to the hospital.
She is scheduled for full knee reconstruction this morning.
It's times like this that remind me once again of how much she means to me and our family.
God I love that woman.
We go through our days and I think we take each other for granted.
Not today.
Well said Jeff. With you in spirit!
Best wishes for her speedy recovery, and for your knees as you pace the hospital's concrete hallways...
Be supportive, and firm with the physical therapy, that hurdle will effect the way the knee will be from now on. I do have a locked knee friend....
Now the hard part. Make sure she stays on that physical therapy and she will be back as good as new.
Good luck, it is going to be rough for her during the recovery, but long term everybody I've known who had a knee or hip replaced have found it life changing (for the better).
She did fine.
Waiting for her to arrive from recovery.
Thank you for the kind words and support.
My wife just had her left knee replaced on Monday (28th) The first two days home are going to be very difficult for your wife (pain wise). Love and support her and you will both get thru this. Prayers going out to her for a speedy and as minimally pain free as possible recovery.