Train Wreck


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016


My wife witnessed this tonight... the semi trailer had bottomed out on the track. The train hit it travelling 40 to 45 MPH. The driver bailed out and ran, as far as I know, there were no injuries. My wife may have nightmares tonight though...

In all my years, I have seen about a dozen lowbeds high centered, or bottomed out. 3 of them I helped get out, by merely disconnecting the air ride height valve rod (held in place b y a rubber bushing), and letting the system fill the airbags to max. Many trucks have dump valves to dump all the air, and lower the truck, I never understood why they would not also have a max valve to raise the truck, and another on the trailer, for the lowbeds. I have seen some extra heavy duty low beds with a valve to raise the bed, but it was in a spot that the drivers likely did not even know it was there, or what it could be used for.

I hope your Wife is able to move on. I know how some of the simplest seeming things can hang on in ones memory.
Oh boy. Good thing nobody got hurt. Doesn't look like the trailer was carrying much weight though, unless those front spools were full of wire (the back one looks empty)