Useful Links for UK Hobby Machinists


Staff member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2014
As previously mentioned, we are disabling the Groups feature of the website due to lack of activity and legacy server errors and issues.

As I decommission the threads, I am pulling information that could be useful to members and posting in the forums.

This post was originally put up by @GreatOldOne:

ARC Eurotrade - Tools and Machinery
RDG Tools - Tools and Machinery
Amadeal - Tooling
Chronos - Tools & Machinery
JB Cutting Tools - Insert tools / replacement carbide
DIY rotary controller for your rotary table - throw those dividing plates away!
Machine DRO - measuring tools

Noggin End Metals - metal suppliers
Metal Mania - metal suppliers
Tracy Tools - taps, dies and cutters
TME - European electronics tool and component supplier
CPC - Uk based electronic tool and component supplier (stop getting frustrated by the 'experts' at Maplins. ;)
Axminster - Machinery, of both wood and metalworking varieties
Volkel High quality German taps and dies
Rennie for excellent mills, drills and suchlike. Superb stuff, decent prices. Also sell via eBay

APT like Rennie, they sell quality stuff.

Kay's Fasteners. KayFast1 on eBay. Superb service for all sorts of hardware.

Dasqua, a subsidiary of Chronos, sell some nice tools. I've just bought a small mag base Noga style arm I'm really pleased with.

Coventry for gauge plate, ground stock and suchlike.

I'll add more as I think of them. Good personal experience will all the above - no affiliation.