Weiss Machinery ???

Some Pictures of the Weiss WBL290F Lathe


WBL290F-3 Jaw Chuck.JPG

WBL290F-Spindle Direction Switch and Power Stop Cover.JPG

WBL290F Power Off-On Switch.JPG

WBL290F LeadScrew & Feedrod.JPG

WBL290F Carriage HandWheel.JPG

WBL290F CrossSlide HandWheel.JPG

WBL290F Compound Rest Handwheel.jpg

WBL290F Tail Stock HandWheel.JPG

WBL290F Power Feed & Half Nut Levers.JPG

WBL290F Thread Dial.JPG

WLB290F Spindle Motor.jpg

WBL290F Drive Board.jpg

WBL290F HeadStock Spindle & Speed Pick Up Sensor.jpg

WBL290F LED RPM Indicator and Speed Pot.jpg

WBL290F Lathe Bed.JPG
It can't be it's a Weiss, that's German right?;)