What's the tolerance between an ammo casing and a chamber?


Jun 12, 2018
I hear the tolerance has to be minimal, but does anyone know the general difference between the diameter of an ammo casing and the chamber it goes into?
You can find the cartridge and chamber specifications here

In a standard SAAMI bottle necked rifle cartridge, you will want about 0.003" between the bolt face and the shoulder on the case--that is the shoulder allows the cartridge to move 0.003" back and forth longitudinally.

Radially, bolt guns can operate with as little as 0.000" diametrical clearance (but NOT negative clearance!), autoloaders need at least 0.001" diametrical clearances. There is a little test we run called the "plop test" you put a sized case into your hand and place the neck in the chamber and let go, the case should fall into the chamber and when the shoulder reached the chamber shoulder it will make a sound that sounds like "plop".

And then there is the jump-distance--the distance between the ogive of the bullet and the lands of the rifle barrel. My better guns tend to like 0.015" jump distance, although some of the not as accurate ones are less picky.