Why I'm a machinist


Dan, Retired old fart
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jul 5, 2014
I posted this in the joke thread but decided to post here also so more of us "superior" people could enjoy it.

Next time someone ask why you are a machinist You will know exactly what to tell them.

Why I Am A machinist

I am a machinist because when I was young I was told to look around and see who had the kind of life I wanted to have. Then go do the same work

What I found was that machinists are generally much better looking than average. They test out smarter and have more friends.

I heard about some guys from a university who studied machinists in a bar. They found that machinists get approached and generally get lucky about 43 times as often as most folks.

Machinists shoot better pool, catch more fish and don't win the lottery nearly as often as they should. They can work their VCR and set the clock on the microwave. Their kids are brighter, their lawns are greener and their cars run better. Their daughters are prettier and their sons are better athletes. Their spouses are sweeter and their mothers-in -law hardly visit at all.

Machinists do things like save lives and generally make a better world.

Anyway, I looked around and it seemed to me that machinists were clearly superior folk and I would be proud to be one. That is why I am a machinist. That and all the good jobs were taken.
How can there be jokes about machinists when there's nothing funny about them?
Everything I touch I " screw up " . Guess that means I'm " mechanically inclined " ???
How many jokes are there in THAT line?
I count at least 3, using sarcasm, irony AND a pun.
Around the shop, after a similar display of talent, some one will say "10,000 out of work comedians, and we get YOU":big grin::clapping: