Ball Bearing Edge Finder Kit

Doug Gray

H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
Oct 28, 2020
Post about the Ball Bearing Edge Finder Kit here. (the BBEFK) Questions, Concerns, Answers, Bragging rights lots of photos please. All things Ball Bearing Edge Finder Kit here
Hi Doug,
I received the drawings for the BBEFK - thank you. They are beautifully done.

Do you have thoughts on the need for the ABEC-9 grade bearings? I have lots of drill rod and I thought I would just pick up some bearings locally for cheap. But the drawings mention ABEC-9, which are costly and not readily available. I can get ABEC-3 locally.

Thanks - and I have to say that in hindsight the cost of your kit is a bargain.
Hi J.
Thanks for reaching out and for all the kind words.
I'm sure the ABEC-3 will work just fine.
Enjoy your shop time!