Cincinnati Lathe


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 14, 2020
Just picked up a #10 HydraShift.
I am looking for a chip pan.
I am not seeing much activity on this sub forum.
Let's hear from you Cincinnati Lathe guys!
I can't help with the chip tray, but welcome to the Cincinnati family. Were a pretty small group.
I think you will love the lathe, I love mine!
Where is the best place for documentation?
I am not sure I will receive any.
Thank You, Creighton
I know it's kinda late but THANKS RABLER!
I used that link at found slot of documentation.
PLUS on the same page the link took me to was manuals for spiropoint grinders, I have one and now have more documentation I needed.
Yes, please. Andrew. I would appreciate that very much.
10x36 Chip Tray 1.JPG

Ok, I have the tray drawn up, any idea how much detail you'd like on the drawings? I can give just a simple cross section of the pan, length, and outlines of the end caps. There's also a small stop angle underneath, and the cutout for the coolant sump screen drain. 5 parts total as original, or you can simplify it significantly if you prefer.

I would like as much detail as you are willing to give me.
It doesn't have to be overnight.
I would like to be able to give it to my sheet metal guy to make the pieces.
I am sure he will ask me whatever I don't know.
Thank you Andrew.
I can supply DXF files for your sheet metal guy if he has a CNC cutter? Or I'm happy to send the Solidworks files if he is familiar with that format.