Fun With Wood, Reclaimed 2x4 projects

this is an older thread, but it is still alive!

i took a piece of the reclaimed wood and made a functional copy of an antique style mousetrap.
i made it for my mother for Christmas, as a compliment to her homes' country décor
i hope she likes it, although i think she will.

without delay, the mousetrap!


i took a 2x4 and whacked off a 4" length
found center and bored 2, 7/8" holes
i drilled holes for the torsion springs
i used 2 pieces of iron tie wire to make loops , affixed to the torsion springs
i (brutally) cut a longitudinal slit to pass the loops through
i custom bent the torsion springs, to line up with the travel path of the loops
i drilled holes to pass twine through to retain the torsion spring
i used jute twine to act as the lever
(if i were to actually want to use it,
some peanut butter on the jute twine inside the 7/8 hole, would be irresistible to mice and soon the trap would be full!)


thanks for looking!

i'll be trying to make it look old,
any suggestions would be appreciated !!!
Thanks for bringing this thread back up Doc . :encourage: Alot of the older threads seem to disappear and are hard to dig back up . Great work .
I'm big on model trains. Short pieces (<4 ft) find all sorts of applications on my layout. But the best one was a coffee shop waitress with a ~5 year old that liked toy trains. I built him a locomotive with a half dozen cars and a caboose. Used cup hooks as couplers and closet rod as wheels. According to the mother, he pulled it up and down the sidewalk for ages. That was many years back and eventually caught in a house fire where it got destroyed. So no photos. . . But the bottom line is that if any thing gets thrown out here, it isn't worth keeping. There's no such thing as "waste".

Fun projects here Doc . I wish we could have a section for these small wood working projects in the future . Keep the projects up and keep this thread up and running , nice work . :)
after a long time, the thread has new life
the project this time is a simple bench, but not all the lumber is 2x4, but the rest of the lumber is reclaimed...

an oak pallet runner was bisected into 2, 24" pieces, screwed to 2, 2x4x18" sides to make a box
2, 2x4x18" front legs and 2, 2x4,24" rear legs were cut on the miter saw, then screwed to the box
odd widths of pallet wood slats were cut to 24" lengths and nailed to the frame
carelessly discarded drawers from an antique dresser was recovered from the roadside
the front of one of the drawers was repurposed for artistic flair.
the main part of the bench was sanded and finished with Rust-oleum stain/polyurethane dark walnut semi-gloss
the antique drawer front got a couple coats of semi-gloss polyuerethane as its finish




as always thanks for reading!
This is a nice thread. Loving seeing the ways you’ve found to use the otherwise junk wood.

I’ve a load of wood from various times and places that I could use for this type of stuff.

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