Too many medical challenges


Addlepated tinkerer
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2021
My wife has a soft heart and loves our animals, primarily horses and cats. But last week it bit her, we had a horse that had been down for half a day so we wanted to get the horse up. Typically when horses lay down for too long they can get numb in whichever legs are underneath them, so rolling them onto the other side is frequently helpful. Unfortunately this mare got up and then fell back down, her head whiplashed out and smacked my wife on the side of the lower leg. My wife now has a fractured tibia and fibula just below the knee. Fortunately not displaced. Orthopedic surgeon hopes it will heal without surgery but he does say it is a marginal case. She's looking at multiple weeks of non-weight bearing and probably 3 months for full recover if surgery can be avoided. It's going to be tough on her as she normally does the majority of care for 8 horses, then splits firewood for "exercise".

It was a challenging weekend, as initially the ER sent her home with opiate pain meds but encouraged her to go light on the meds. She passed out getting up from the ER bed, and repeatedly whenever she tried to move. Within 24 hours she was dehydrated, and hadn't slept. I took her back in and got her admitted. She passed out on the porch trying to navigate out the front door on crutches, I grabbed her but ended up with my arms around her and the crutches, which made it nearly impossible to set her down in a chair. After an extensive couple of days of evaluation in the hospital for other possible causes, they conceded that the fainting was caused by pain and gave her a significantly stronger dosage, and some basic instruction on using a walker instead of trying to use crutches.

We have been kidding that she wanted her turn after all the challenges I have had during this year. It does make me glad we retired when we did, the only thing worse than getting old is the alternative. ;)
Sorry to hear this. Hope that your wife recovers soon. It's really tough to be a care giver, keep your spirits up, and try to get some help if and when you need it. Don't be shy about asking for help, or you both will get run down. Try to get someone to help with the horses so you can help your wife. (Off load some of your tasks.)

Praying for everyone's speedy recovery.
You two have had your fair share of challenges
Wishing you both a speedy recovery
Best wishes for full and speedy recovery. Getting hurt is one thing. But there's no greater pain in the world than watching your wife get hurt. I know.

Sorry to hear. I hope that you have extra help for taking care of the animals, while you take care of your wife.

If she was passing out from the pain, and she was not communicating how much pain she was in, she must have a very high tolerance for pain. Much more than her body can actually endure.

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IMHO, Caring for animals is worthwhile. Wishing you and yours better luck and a speedy recovery.
Thanks for everyone's best wishes!

Sorry to hear this. Hope that your wife recovers soon. It's really tough to be a care giver, keep your spirits up, and try to get some help if and when you need it. Don't be shy about asking for help, or you both will get run down. Try to get someone to help with the horses so you can help your wife. (Off load some of your tasks.)

Praying for everyone's speedy recovery.
We have a niece that is between jobs that is helping out with one of two feedings per day for the horses to help. And we jumped on getting in-home physical/occupational therapy for my wife, as having to run her to appointments, take care of all the home chores, and the other barn feeding, was a challenge just to consider much less do. Still going to be plenty to keep me busy.
Very sorry to hear of this. Hope you folks can get your arms wrapped around it quickly and she recovers without issue. Cant push these types of problems.