Another Simple Tool; A Strap Wrench From Odd Bits.....


Confirmed Tool User
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2014
Hi All,

We picked up a small car for running around town. Much smaller than the vehicles I am accustomed to working on.
When it came time to change the oil filter not only did I actually need ramps to get myself under it (!) but I quickly realized that there was no way I could reach the filter. I could barely see it from below.

I do have a couple of strap wrenches, but they are all like this:
or this:

They all have the handle in the same plane as the gripping band, there was no way I could get one on the oil filter let alone swing it.

Of course it was also late on a Sunday, so I needed to use the parts I had available.

I took a piece of black pipe and milled a slot:

welded a spare socket into the other end:

and found an old dog collar for the strap:


It worked great for reaching up into the tight spot for the oil filter.

Simple, cheap and effective!

Great job! Just think of all the money we could save if we used up more of the scrap we have sitting around...especially for little used specialty tools.

That could be useful for removing lathe chucks as well.

I have certainly used the "commercial" strap wrench I have with the rubber strap (like the first picture) for that.
The rubber grabs the chuck very well.

Just think of all the money we could save if we used up more of the scrap we have sitting around...

That's the spirit I am trying to instill in my sons.
The idea that they can do it themselves; and probably better and cheaper than a "store bought" solution.

Very clever!

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