Building a machine shop workbench with steel storage rack


Jul 14, 2017
I've been needing a workbench in my machine shop, i have good size workbenches in both my garages, and could not find used one that fits my space, so i made this one, for the top i use 3 mm hot rolled except the left corner there i used 20 mm of 4150 that i had around, many times i need to hit something and is nice to have some place you not concerned about denting it, for the legs i used 2 x 1 inch pipe, and some 3/4 for the storage rack i also made two drawers, i made them extra deep so i can store power tools, i'm not a short person and having to bend to work on something is getting old, so i made the bench extra tall, i wanted to share this build, may inspire someone.
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Your making me rethink mine a little, As I could put storage in the empty space I currently have. And the extra weight just helps hold things steady.
Very nice low cost solution. Great job. Mike
The extra weight helps with stability, at first because of the high and small width was little shaky, now is solid as a rock.
Goce, you are absolutely correct. My name is Mike, and I'm just in the habit of ending my posts with my name. Cheers, Mike

Thank You, my name is not Mike, is Goce.
As a member of the 10 ton of stuff stored in a 5 ton space group I brazed 3/4" lag bolts onto junked irrigation wheel spokes then bent a pair 12 inches long to accept a 4" x 48" plastic pipe. Did the same to make a pair 18" long then screwed them into the shelf above my lathe. Split the 4" x 48" pipe length wise and laid in the curves. Rounds 3/4" and smaller are stored behind my lathe.
Have a good day
As a member of the 10 ton of stuff stored in a 5 ton space group I brazed 3/4" lag bolts onto junked irrigation wheel spokes then bent a pair 12 inches long to accept a 4" x 48" plastic pipe. Did the same to make a pair 18" long then screwed them into the shelf above my lathe. Split the 4" x 48" pipe length wise and laid in the curves. Rounds 3/4" and smaller are stored behind my lathe.
Any picture, Ray?