3D change gear Questions


I need some change gears for my smithy 1220 XL
Missing a few when I acquired it , some had broken teeth and I had a failure myself. Im not sure what happened. Just idling with the lead screw in N and clank.
Can someone tell me what I could expect to pay for a set of gears thats 3D printed, what material would be good
The biggest gear is aprox 3.75” 70 teeth
I went on line to try one of the gear makers but they wanted me to down load a program , my computer is old and I did not have enough space to down load the program
Same with any of the free CAD options.
My computer is just to old and full.
So lots of questions
I will start with what is a rough cost of buying these gears in 3D
And what would it cost me to get into 3D printing to do it myself?