3D Metal Printing


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Sep 5, 2013
For those who may be interested, Dan Gelbart has just released a new video on 3D metal printing and the pros and cons of different methods.

I’m not involved with any of this type of stuff, I haven’t even played with 3D plastic printing, but Gelbart is such a bright and accomplished prototyper that I listen to whatever he has to say. His first series of videos a few years ago on more traditional hand methods and machining for prototyping are a great source of information, I learned a lot from them when I was just starting into machining.

Pretty cool ( ha ha ) stuff on the 3D metal printing front though. Very interesting processes.
Here’s a link if anyone wants to check it out:

We have had some "cast iron" models printed for some product development prototyping. The supplier foundry that we work with provides this service. It is remarkable how useful the service is: it's fast, it's a reasonable representation of what the casting will look like and they are more or less functional for prototyping purposes. With that said, the cost is very prohibitive for hobbyists. We spent thousands to get a few pounds of metal printed for three or four parts. It isn't cheap.