Acrylic Score


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 25, 2011
The other day I went to Lowes and bought a 18"x24"x1/8" acrylic sheet for about $9 for a project.
Today I went with the wife to the Macy's in Tyler (closing this store) to pick up some fixtures she bought for her store. They had all this acrylic stacked up and asked them how much?
$10 bought the whole stack, some still have the protective film on them. They range from 1/8 to 3/4 thick.
Have absolutely no plans for it but for $10 couldn't leave it there.:grin:acrylic.jpg acrylic1.jpg
Have absolutely no plans for it but for $10 couldn't leave it there.:grin:
I have had the same thought many, many times over the years. That is why my shop has trails instead of floor space. Still, I would not have passed up that deal. You did well.

Regards, Kevin J.
And, in all probability, the acrylic you bought is cast rather than extruded. Cast acrylic has much better machining properties and mechanical properties than the extruded which is used for glazing.
:you suck: Truly great score!
The other day I went to Lowes and bought a 18"x24"x1/8" acrylic sheet for about $9 for a project.
Today I went with the wife to the Macy's in Tyler (closing this store) to pick up some fixtures she bought for her store. They had all this acrylic stacked up and asked them how much?
$10 bought the whole stack, some still have the protective film on them. They range from 1/8 to 3/4 thick.
Have absolutely no plans for it but for $10 couldn't leave it there.:grin:View attachment 229774 View attachment 229775
Not to mention that it probably would have ended up in a dumpster if you hadn't happened upon it.
Way to go , now wipe your feet because you stepped in it and came out clean. Good score lots of uses lathe guards mill guards even drill table . Storage boxes with see thru tops or fronts , I got a million of em . Lol