David P. Best - Selected Resources for Machinists

I highly recommend David's insert tools book. He has done a fantastic job of putting the information together, and is really talented with the visual layout and design of the manual. It does not belong on the bookshelf, it belongs on the bench!
Is the book available on Kindle and if not, is it going to be?
Thanks for all the support guys - especially to Bryan for helping me establish the "commercial account". It was never my intent to "go commercial" on this forum, but some of the members here on Hobby-Machinist continue to ask questions about my book, so setting up a specific commercial sub-forum seemed to be the best way to answer questions and discuss the book without violating the restrictions against commercial or promotional activities elsewhere.

But my interests are more about helping other users get their heads around some of the common but confounding topics we all encounter in our pursuit of the metalworking craft. This is why I titled this sub-forum “Selected Resources for Machinists”.

I will be posting other documents here to help users on specific topics related to machining. I call them “white papers”, but they are just short tutorials on a particular topic. A lot of these resources can be found buried inside various threads on the forums, but this sub-forum can act as a central repository for this type of content.

As an example, I have just posted one of my “white papers” covering lessons learned in pursuit of best practices when parting on the lathe.
Not true. You must have been looking at the first (now collectors) edition which as been retired and only available as used when someone lists it for sale.

Here is the link to the current edition. Thanks for your support.

Is this ever going to be available on Kindle? Or an audio version?
Is this ever going to be available on Kindle? Or an audio version?
I have no plans to publish the entire book as an eBook. There are a myriad of reasons why, but it all has to do with Amazon and Apple pricing policies for eBooks. You are the first to ask for a Kindle version. Given the extensive illustrations and photos that are required to convey this complex topic, an audio book does not make sense to me.