The ability to come to the aid of your significant other because of the tools and machines in your workshop os indeed priceless. My wife learned long ago that I could repair or improve most of the items on our everyday life because of my shop so I get encouragement rather than questioning when I say I need a new tool or machine.
Very nice! A $200 repair to a $20 mixer. Truly a man after my own heart!
And mine. . . What we tend to forget is that it isn't a matter of $$$, where would you find anothjer $20 mixer on short notice. This happened to my wife shortly after we married. The third option, I found her a "KitchenAid" on a real stand. That was 30 odd years ago, a KitchenAid doesn't break. The timing worked out for it though, it wasn't a holiday and I had just gotten off work. Actually, the motor had an electrical failure and I didn't want to fool with it. When I opened it and saw the (lack of) brushes, we left straightaway. A gouged commutator is no light fix.
