Learned something today

Organic supports are fantastic.

Another little trick is designing your own supports. I use them for horizontal overhangs when I want minimal sagging and a good surface finish on the underside of the horizontal surface.

Its really simple, just leave a gap thats = to one layer height. And at least 1 layer height all the way around. You can even leave some area unsupported as long as there are connection points on each side for bridging.

a 0.2mm gap, and the next layer just lays on top leaving a support thats easy to break off, and gives a good surface finish underneath


Heres another integral support on the same Raspberry Pi case, on the oppose half.

Here is the entire model. It's Bigtreetech's Pi4B adapter case, i just remodeled it to include integral supports.

Those organic supports are sweet. Here is a Pi TFT43 screen housing I printed yesterday, using them.


It turned out pretty good


On the subject of staggered bridging for downwared facing holes, that have a face above the build platform. Here is a video. It should be alot easier to follow than a wall of text and a dozen pics.

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Learned something else today. Changing the orientation (flipping on a different face) doesn't mean the printed (measured dimensions) will end up being the same. Thought Rev D was going to be the one, but nope. Rev C printed with U up, is measuring 14.10mm for the width of the gap. The drawing is 14.25. The read head is 14.00. Rev D, printed with the U more like a C, is measuring only 13.95 mm. This is after filing off any nubs or nurbs where the supports were. The read head doesn't fit.

So I have to take my lumps and re-print Rev D with the U up. That means I will have to drill out the mal-formed holes due to printing after all. Fooey. Looks like I need to do a reprint tomorrow.