Locating center with DRO B&L accurite 2


Jan 30, 2017
The DRO on my mill is a accurite 2. I looked in the manual but it didn't say anything about finding center. Can it be done?
Not sure what your readout looks like or does, but many of the DRO's on the market have readouts that allow for" I hear " simple easy
hole centering. Readouts like this cheap one. I'm about ready to bite the bullet on something like this.

As far as I know, you can establish "center" with any DRO, but you still need to establish reference points for it to work from. For instance, use an edge finder to locate one or more edges of a part or the inside edges of a hole, etc. Might help if we knew a little more about what you're wanting to do.

I don't think the Accurite 2 had a built in feature. Do a test with a part of a known width and place it between your vise jaws then use your edge finder to pick up one jaw and zero it when it touches then move to the opposite jaw and record the measurement where the edgefinder kicks out. Divide the measurement by two then move the table to that dimension on the readout and zero it. Then move back to each jaw and see if the readings are the same.

Modern DRO's work exactly the same way but do the math automatically when you press the 1/2 (X or Y) button
I just bought one of those Chinese dro's like you pictured and I believe its a good unit, but the instructions that come with it is useless. Your on your own to learn it. There are some videos on youtube, but they aren't much help either. The videos on youtube aren't exactually the same unit I have so the buttons are in a different location sometime called something different. Its frustrating.
My mill has an Accurite 2 DRO and I don't believe it has the 1/2 function. I'm in Arizona for the winter and the mill is in Wisconsin, so I can't check on it right now. It is still an easy process to find center on a piece as explained in some of the other posts, a edge finder and a calculator are my best friends.
I have an accu-rite dro. Using an edge finder, zero on the first edge then move to the second. After picking that edge up, press the midpoint button on the axis that you're centering. It will divide the measurement in half, then you just crank back to zero and you're on center.