Resolved Odd behaviour with mentions


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Oct 16, 2019
When the @ function in tapatalk is used to mention someone it later shows up on the site using the tags <mention>username<mention/>.
I can't tell if the mention actually worked or not.
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I'm on a Mac using Firefox and it looks to me like it is working correctly.
[mention]Lonnie [/mention] let’s see how this mention shows up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So that's the issue I'm raising.
If I type @username it works fine. If I use the @ function it does not.
Because it's Tapatalk I suspect there isn't anything we can do from the forum side of things but I wanted to raise it.
What is "mention" supposed to do?
It does the same thing as typing @username except that it is pre-populated with previously used names. Super handy instead of typing the name(s)
OK. I haven't ever used Tapatalk and so don't know anything about it. I will say though that User problems with it usually start right after whomever sells it introduces a new version. And usually persists until Xenforo releases a patch that fixes the problems that Tapatalk's changes caused. Historically the problems are seldom something that an Admin can fix. So it may be a while before the problem is fixed.
Thanks @wa5cab I'm not fussed about it at all. :D