Ball peen hammer using a spherical ball bearing


Feb 7, 2013
The standard ball peen hammers generally have a ball that isn't very hard so wanted something better for
specialized work. I decided to make a real ball peen hammer using the bearing from a ball bearing race.
It's quite easy to do and a ball hearing holds it's shape like nothing else. It's great for applying huge forces
to a small area, great for stuff like metal shaping or riveting. I made the rough shape on the lathe and the
hole for the handle was drilled and then milled on a vertical mill. The pocket for the ball was drilled several
thousandths small and hammered into place with a large hammer against an anvil. I used a wood wedge
to tighten the handle and finished it off by pounding in a spent 38 brass shell casing. It's an easy project and
well worth the effort.

One can use any size ball you might have on hand. This one used a ball slightly less than 1/2 inch diameter.
Interesting idea -- I like the shell casing for the handle wedge! I wonder if the ball will loosen up in the head after a bit of hammering but I guess you could always peen the head down a bit if it does.