Dunlop power hacksaw or something of this same size.


Mangler of grammar, off my meds.
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 7, 2023
I had one of these a couple decades ago and regret selling it.

These were sold through sears and there is a Craftsman and probably a Rockwell/Atlas variant.

Key feature is these take a standard hacksaw blade like you would use by hand, should give you an idea of the size of the machine.
They show up on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist and eBay. Keep checking. Shipping cost would be ugly, so best to buy locally. Someone in Leavittown had one for sale last winter. I almost jumped on it, but I don't have room for something I would use only rarely.

Also, the Cabin Fever Expo in Lebanon in January is a good place to try.
The saw you want was made by Covel as the Excel power hacksaw. Sold by Sears for decades under the Dunlop and Craftsman brands. Later acquired by Atlas (late 1960s) and still made for Sears under the Craftsman brand until about 1980.

Anyway you can find them branded as an Excel, Dunlop, Craftsman or Atlas, all the same saw.

I have one branded under the original Excel name. Not real fast, but they are nice and compact only about 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the popular 4x6" bandsaws. As you mention they have the benefit of using conventional hand hacksaw blades or heavier power hacksaw blades.

Hope that helps you track one down.

Keller also made a small power hacksaw that used 10-12" blades branded under the name Jefferson.

Hope that helps you track one down.
As a matter of fact it did!

I threw every term I knew along with the different maker names and found one local.

Its not pretty, and it has a few issues, but it is far from clapped out and for $40 I couldn't pass it up.

Check out that death switch!


Im going to shorten up the stand so its only as long as the saw and put the motor under the neath and it should fit right under my bench.

Might even get sporty and put some wheels on it.

I tried cutting with it and it bound up, hit it with a little WD and it freed up, think it needs a bit of adjusting judging by the way it cuts or maybe the blade is just too coarse, but overall Im happy with it.
You have the original vise, a lot of these saws seem to be missing that.

Mine came on a nice little rolling base, with the motor mounted underneath.