[Newbie] Emco 152mm independent 4 jaw


May 11, 2024
I recently bought a Prazimat DLZ 180x450, pretty nifty machine, it came with a self centering 4 jaw and a lot of other goodies. But I want an independent 4 jaw. Turns out DIN 55021 isn't that common to find, I really should have looked this up before getting the lathe. But it turns out some Emco lathes also use it. A seller was selling both an Emco Compact 8 and an Emco 152mm 4 jaw, the Compact 8 was being sold without a chuck so I could both visually confirm it had the same spindle nose as well as reading about it online. after asking the seller about if the chuck fit on the Compact 8 he said yes so I confidently bought it off of him expecting it to fit on my lathe. To my surprise I unpackaged it yesterday and it didn't. I don't mind making an adapter plate but I can't find any info online about what standard it is. I just feel like the seller didn't even checked if it fit and just assumed it did cause it's not DIN 55021. Am I wrong for that assumption?

Emco 152mm.jpg

Does anyone have any info on what standard this chuck uses?
I believe it's called a DIN standard but I don't know which one
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