Goofs & Blunders You Should Avoid.

Don't, Do Not, Do never lose sight of what your vise stop is doing because you're so into making your part.

Dont know how or when, but I walked in to find this this am.

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It’s like Groundhog Day around here. I’m thinking my power feed is not shutting off somehow.

When I finished a small batch of parts recently, I noticed that some of the holes were slightly off location. I had neglected to tighten the rod on my vise stop. Fortunately I wasn't hitting the stop very hard when I changed parts and they were salvageable.

When I finished a small batch of parts recently, I noticed that some of the holes were slightly off location. I had neglected to tighten the rod on my vise stop. Fortunately I wasn't hitting the stop very hard when I changed parts and they were salvageable.

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Funny, that is the reason I made the one Im using now.

Made 4 exact same die steels, the dowel locations were all over the place as every time I slid a new one in place the stop I was using moved just slightly.

That solid bar hanging way out the back makes my teeth itch.
Interesting enough, the one deburing tool I got in a tool box had a snapped off tip and blood on it. Guess the previous owner switched back to files.
I would guess so, if they can bore into an oak tree (among others) they can certainly bore into your finger