Acer Knee mill - thoughts?


Dec 22, 2023
This mill popped up tonight near me. It's bigger then I was looking for but the price seems right. Any thoughts on this machine? The CNC function is noted as failed and I have no idea what it might take to either fix it or decomission it.

Acer Knee Mill
If the mill manufacture has anything to do with the ACER computer and peripheral manufacture they is no way in hell I would touch it! It looks like a decent mill otherwise.

"The NC CAMSOFT does NOT work… for reasons i do not know could be an easy fix could not be…" -- this sums up EVERY ACER PRODUCT I have ever had the misfortune of working on... going back 40 years to their "Almost PC compatible" 80286's.
Acer Machinery has nothing to do with Acer computers.

Looks like a nice machine, if I were in Boise I would drag it home for $2500. I might even drag it home anyway, but I don't really need another project. Looks like a deal. The CamSoft control is an aftermarket and well regarded. If it was working at one time, it should be pretty easy to make it work again. Not really much to it.
Buy it, looks like a deal
Should be easy to upgrade the electronics if desired
That looks like a good one. The barrier to entry is your ability to study up and work through getting it set up, but it's not out of reach if you're a bright person. The price is excellent, and it looks clean. That was an expensive machine for a job shop once.
It seems like a good buy, but the thing is just too damn big for my shop, unfortunately. And it has sold anyway. Thanks for all the input, however. Very useful.
It seems like a good buy, but the thing is just too damn big for my shop, unfortunately. And it has sold anyway. Thanks for all the input, however. Very useful.
I was going to say it = SOLD.
I have a Sharp mill, I think Acer is manufactured in Taiwan as well.
Good stuff!!
This mill popped up tonight near me. It's bigger then I was looking for but the price seems right. Any thoughts on this machine? The CNC function is noted as failed and I have no idea what it might take to either fix it or decomission it.

Acer Knee Mill
Bigger is better if you want options.
I am just about bottomed out here. Sure, I could come up with shorter set ups but this is quick and easy.


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