Antique portable vise


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 14, 2020
Some of us are old enough to have stuff they don't even remember having....I "found" this is my garage shop.
When a friend ask about a couple small vises on a high up shelf, something clicked and I remembered having a couple of vises.
The hunt began, not really remembering what I had or where, I have an offsite "storage" building.
Funny, I remember buying the first one!
I needed and wanted a good vise and Paid a hefty 40.00 for a Columbian 406.
Used the overhead crane and set that puppy in the back of my daily driver 64 fairlane.
Had to get help to get it out, it was just to big to work out for my needs.
I remember buying another two also for 40.00 but they were only little baby vises and I was afraid of ruining them because I knew I was going to abuse whatever vise I had.
Decades later only vises in the shop reside on the mills.
Until my friend stirred the memory pot.....20240420_135558.jpg20240420_135549.jpg20240419_203022.jpg20240419_202910.jpg20240420_135507.jpg20240420_135527.jpg20240420_135517.jpg
I attended a 'sale' in Rotterdam a couple of weeks ago. Mostly children's clothes, but the first booth I stopped at had nothing but fairly new used tools. I'm not yet familiar with prices here but an odd vise caught my eye. Cast iron, screw mount (tighten the screw on the edge of the workbench). It cost me ten Euros, less than eleven dollars, and I needed a small vise for metal,had a wood vise. It's obviously cast iron, and not new.
It was strange, the front jaw was fixed to the base clamp, (cast to be part of it), the back (movable} jasw slides in dovetails. The jaws are about 2 1/2 inches wide and it opens almost that much, (60 mm and 55 mm). I spent quite a while looking on line and finally found what must be the current version. The mold has been remade, it now has a logo on it, not related to anything on my old one, If you google [] you'll see my vise in new paint. This retails at 265 Euros. I made out like the proverbial bandit.