Fillet cuts instead of fills


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Oct 14, 2014
trying to finish up a model with some fillets. I've got one where the fillet goes the wrong way - cuts into the part not fills a rounded edge. See pics - the fillet right below the subject one worked fine. What have I got wrong?

In SOLID click modify, fillet, select the edge line, then type in 0.0625 for fillet size.

fillet 1.JPGfillet 2.JPG
I am not a Fusion 360 guy but I do a TON of Inventor and Solidworks. It looks like you have two separate solid bodies there. They might be touching but are not connected from the looks of it. When you apply the fillet, it is only acting on the one body - like the other does not exist.

If you want them to be one body, you need to look for a command to do that. Programs typically call this Boolean, join, or merge.

If you wish to keep them separate bodies then model the fillet manually from the side with an extrusion.
Looks like perhaps that edge is at the intersection of two bodies? You would have to combine the bodies into one and then apply the fillet.
Expand the folder called "Bodies". I bet you'll see more than one entry in there.
OK, starting to get this. But not quite there.

I have four bodies. Need to make them one. The fusion help is not clear to me, see pic 1. The statement, "select tool bodies" has me stumped. Don't see it.

combine bodies.JPGbodies.JPG
Target body should the the solid that the tool bodies are added to. Language makes a bit more sense when you are subtracting one body from another. Target is the body which remains after the tool body is cut away.

What rifle is the trigger group for?
I am designing a custom trigger for a PKM made from a PKT kit. If you care to head over to weapons guild, there is an impressive thread on how i did it.

OK, tiny bit of progress click on solids, modify, combine and it brings up a combine dialog. I was able to combine three of the four bodies with this method. The trigger guard will not combine wit the main block. WHY??

Sorry guys, I am an expert on many machining things and a complete idiot on others - bet you can see which is which.

combine 2.JPG
here's what may be the problem. If i zoom WAY in, there is a slight air gap between bodies.

combine 3.JPG
YAY! Nice work. Looks sharp, I will have to check out your other thread.

Boolean solid modeling is a very powerful tool to generate shapes which would be otherwise very complicated to model with extrusions. Compound angles are pretty easy to achieve with subtraction.

Some software packages will allow a join between two bodies with an air gap, but this isn't always good since it can cause you to miss the gap which will cause problems down the road.