Free Energy Engine

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
I have finally completed a working model of an amazing free energy engine !
It is crafted from the finest materials known to man.
There were over 2 hours spent in careful engineering consideration, and over 50 hours of extensive research and development, to produce this one of a kind

I shouldn't share this information with just anyone...
But, if you promise not to show anyone else, i'll show you that it works ;)

First, a computer, and a 3D printer is necessary
Second, you'll need an M355 (TB6600) Stepper Motor Driver
Third, a Comidox (or other brand) PWM Signal Generator Module
Fourth, is a 12VDC 36 Watt Air Cooled, Rectified, Non-Binary Code Generating, Regulated Electron Converter
(you can substitute a Binary Code Generating, Regulated Electron Converter in the event that you cannot find a Non Binary Code Generator, Regulated Electron Converter)
{Inventor not responsible for any disruption of the Time Continuum by elective use of Binary Code Generating, Regulated Electron Converters}

Here is a video explaining the prowess

But Wait.....
If you order within the next 12 minutes, We'll throw in a set of Ginsu Steak Knives as a Bonus!
(They can cut through a tin can, and still thinly slice a tomato)

Thanks for reading, & watching
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No batteries required. It is plugged into the wall. Of course he says that is to feed power to the grid, but we know better.
It is a sad commentary on humanity that so many people cannot grasp the second law of thermodynamics.
My lights just got really bright then a couple bulbs popped. Please just keep it toned down.
I have been working on fusion for ten years, and in two minutes and twenty nine seconds you solve the energy crisis.
My hat is off to you, Doctor. Can I get in on the IPO?
Just got through writing a thread on why the motor on my lathe was blowing circuit breakers in reverse. In forward, the motor uses energy, In reverse, it was generating so much current that it would zap the breakers:blowup:. Trouble is, can't figure out how to harness this energy:einstein: