I hate mice


Aug 2, 2019
The mice hit me again. For some reason they just love the wiring on my JohonDeere 8400. This the second time repairing the wiring. I put out the bait blocks, but they like eating the wire. At least this time it is only four or five wires. Not seventy like last time. I put out bait blocks ,but they like the wire better. A couple hours of work and we will be ready to go. Last time the dealer wanted 15000 to replace the wiring harness. For that I can spend a couple of days repair work.


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They definitely make a mess. I have been in that position before also. Some people say to spray the wires with dry graphite
Get some scrap wire make a messy bundle and cover it in rat poison
They will send me into instant rage. I'm in the middle of a truck that was left in a cattle lot for 15 years, you can imagine what they did to that one.
For the last four years I've placed small plastic containers with holes in the lids (single serve yoghurt I think) that have cotton soaked with peppermint oil at the bottom. These are under the hood of all cars, in camper trailer, in the garage and shop and a few other places prone to mice. So far they have worked. Plus, everything smells "nice and minty". They need to be refreshed a couple of times a year. It probably works much like the tomcat-brand spray.
You can never know where they are going to show up. I had a mouse family that moved into my fixturing cabinet. They peed all over everything. Rusted a bunch of my best tooling :mad:
We have good success leaving the hoods up on everything as long as we keep the ground clear and bare around and under
Me too also.

I dispatched two in the last two days. I fairly well keep baited traps set all winter. The house and shop are fairly tight, but not yet mouse proof. They probably are getting in when we bring firewood in for the basement furnace. Over the years they have done hundreds, if not thousands of $ in damage. Oit in the woodworking shop, there is no way to keep them at bay. The same with the forge. They built a nest in my Miller Thunderbolt welder. Fortunately, they didn't destroy the wiring bur the corrosion from the urine required a lot of cleanup. When I treassembled the welder, I screened off all the ventilation slots with a fine mesh which should keep them out. They also built nests in the insulation of a forced air convection lab oven and the insulation will all have to be replaced.

Last summer, when I was out on my boat, I happened to glance back and saw a mouse run across the slash well behind me and dive down into the sump. I spent a day sealing off every frickin' opening bigger than 1/8" with sheet metal and caulk. I'll see how effective the action was.

At least I don't have rats. Now if I could just figure an effective way to eliminate the moles.:bang head: