Resolved My Smileys have stopped?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Given that nobody else has mentioned it, I came to think that the reason I can no longer insert smileys may have been some shortcoming in my own browser setup. Now I have tried it out with two FireFox derived Browsers, and the Chromium-based "Brave" browser. The other tools in the bar, like bold, and italic, and Insert Image, etc. all seem to work OK. The fact that this happens despite using totally different browsers makes my think it might not a problem at my end.

I have never been able to insert "laughing guy" when clicking on "Like", but I thought that was just about learning how. Clicking on "Smiley" insert always did work, until recently. If you folk are able to make it happen OK, it would be nice to know.
Found my smiley problem :cool:, UBlock Origin. The HM site has a link to which was blocked. There were a few other minor things. Totally unblocked and the smileys are back. By the way, UBlock also killed the choices for likes.

@graham-xrf you have anything like that running on your system? :oops:

Running 1-2GHz, SSD boot. No SD card at all. Overvoltage=6. Steady state CPU temp 48C with fan. Pretty snappy with wired keyboard and mouse. Wireless mouse and keyboard was totally unreliable. :mad:
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Following up on this. @WobblyHand seems to have resolved his issue by removing the block to googletagmanager.

A number of other issues resulting from the recent upgrade have been resolved by members by updating your cookies in your browser. Please take a close look at your security and privacy settings and allow cookies for and report back here on whether that resolves the issue or not.
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Found my smiley problem :cool:, UBlock Origin. The HM site has a link to which was blocked. There were a few other minor things. Totally unblocked and the smileys are back. By the way, UBlock also killed the choices for likes.

@graham-xrf you have anything like that running on your system? :oops:

Running 1-2GHz, SSD boot. No SD card at all. Overvoltage=6. Steady state CPU temp 48C with fan. Pretty snappy with wired keyboard and mouse. Wireless mouse and keyboard was totally unreliable. :mad:
Yes indeed. I intend to keep it that way. I guess I am too attached to watching YouTube without any adverts and unwanted grift exhortations. It's almost as if a huge block of the population makes an OK living by showing each other stuff. So much of it is genuinely useful, valuable, well motivated, and real, having to be sifted out of a mire of reality show style make-believe nutbags.

So how did you fix it? Maybe by configuring on a uBlock whitelist?

In general, I will always be running uBlock Origin. If I need a smiley..
.. --> this one will do :)
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OK, I am going to mark this one as resolved as @WobblyHand has identified a solution and proven it out. If there are problems that persist beyond the solution provided, we can re-open and investigate further at that point in time.
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