Resolved Not staying logged in


Professional Crastinator
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 15, 2013
When I log into H-M, there is a “Stay logged in” check box in the log in pop up. The check box is always checked every time I log in. But every time I visit the forum, I have to log in again. In other words, the “Stay logged in” check box isn’t working for me. FWIW, it worked before we changed servers. Can it be fixed?

Also FWIW, I frequent a number of other forums that have the same feature and they “remember” me from visit to visit, including one forum that uses Xenforo.


"Stay logged in" works OK for me and is apparently working OK for most other members. I'll report it to the Admins.
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One thing I should have asked first but didn't - When you've been on H-M and are ready to leave, do you explicitly log out or just close the browser instance?
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H-M "forgets" me when I close the browser and come back later. If I go to another forum and come back without closing the browser, I'm still logged in. Other forums, including the other one that runs on Xenforo, don't log me out even when I close the browser. This is the only one that I have to log onto again after I close the browser and come back later. I'm running Firefox on a Mac, btw. Thanks.

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I too have that problem, but if I get re-directed from another site or from a search site I'm automatically logged in...........:dunno:
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Actually, I'm 99% sure that the token and password that makes this all work are stored on the local machine. Or at least some of what makes it work is, because if you clean history, cache, whatever your system calls it, the next time that you go to log in on a site where the Keep Me Logged In feature was working, it won't. I'm running Fire Fox and (not through choice) Windows 10 and all places where I have that feature turned on, it works, including H-M. The only thing I can suggest trying is to clear history and everything else that Fire Fox lets you delete, cold boot the machine, and try logging in. The first time, it won't, of course.
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Actually, I'm 99% sure that the token and password that makes this all work are stored on the local machine. Or at least some of what makes it work is, because if you clean history, cache, whatever your system calls it, the next time that you go to log in on a site where the Keep Me Logged In feature was working, it won't. I'm running Fire Fox and (not through choice) Windows 10 and all places where I have that feature turned on, it works, including H-M. The only thing I can suggest trying is to clear history and everything else that Fire Fox lets you delete, cold boot the machine, and try logging in. The first time, it won't, of course.
Tried it. Didn't work. Hasn't worked since we changed servers.


Edit: I just noticed that I’m a premium member now. Thanks. I should have tried rebooting sooner. I’m going to reboot again and see if I win the lottery. :D
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For me I have to login everyday! If I shut off the computer, I have to login again. It has my name and password, but I still have to click on Login everyday. Just an extra click to get here!
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Only way I can access the forums is to log off.if I log on it goes blank.then I goggle hm.can only see posts..if I click on forums it kicks me off..
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Any progress in the last week or are we stuck with it is what it is?

Also, why do new posts in this thread not show up on the "new posts" list?

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