Betrayed by a long term friend

Put a lien on his home or business. That will get his attention!
You have to have some proof that the person owes you money before you can get a lein on property or anything else. The PO stated there was no paperwork involved. Thus no actual record of the original agreement.

The other person may have a totally different recollection of the agreement. At this point it’s a he said, she said situation.

One thing you might consider is looking for paperwork for any parts purchased for, or records of service performed on the machines while they were in your possession. That would lend credence to the claim you owned the machine and may force the other party to come up with proof that ownership was transferred.
I am truly sorry you are in this situation. The worst part for me is the feeling of betrayal and the resentment that brings. Been there and my experience is even if revenge is exacted that feeling never goes away. My wife taught me R’s kill(resentments). And they are like a cancer that only metastasizes.

The best part is you seem to be ok now financially and don’t need the $$ or machines. Guys like this karma always takes care of them.
There is an ancient Chinese proverb which says, “Before you seek Revenge with someone be sure and dig two graves.”

I had an old friend that I had known for decades who owned an automotive engine machine shop who passed away and his son who I also knew closed out his business and walked away from it leaving everyone he was doing work for in the cold. I had some fairly rare stuff he had stored for me which I'll never see again, life happens and I do not have the time nor energy to allow such slight to rot my soul and ruin my happiness, c'est la vie.
C-Bag is right about one thing and that is the horrible feeling of betrayal , that empty /crippled feeling, most of us know how that feels, some losses are not too drastic but the resentment we feel is just as deep. I for one do not have the patience for karma to take care of things, I would confront the SOB and find out how he came to justify his action and thought it was alright to ignore years of friendship that was supposedly built on will also hlep you feel better if you let him know how disappointed you really are because of it all.
It is unfortunate that you don't have any viable option, but confronting him makes one thing clear , and that is if he still has any concience , he will feel guilty and that guilty concience will follow him for the rest of his miserable life.
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I would confront the SOB and find out how he came to justify his action and thought it was alright to ignore years of friendship that was supposedly built on trust.
For me the confrontation is just about as excruciating as the resentment. I don’t remember ever having a confrontation work out. If there is this kind of over the top betrayal resentment all I have ever got was a verbal fight that never resolved anything. The jerks who screwed me felt justified and were never going to feel bad that they screwed me because they were already mad at me for whatever reason and my confrontation seemed to seal the deal for them. I was the jerk, not them. My lesson after the second time was cut bait and chalk it up as I won’t do THAT again.
Ask for a meeting, maybe dinner with the original man and the new owners. Give him a chance to tell the truth or lie in front of his family.
I'm on your side, But He may try getting you for storage and that would most likely hold up. I would chalk it up to a loss.
I'm going to shine a different light on this...

What if after hearing you had a stroke he thought you were for health reasons unable to accept them back and just parted with things as a matter of course?

Just because there is a misunderstanding or perceived slight does not mean there was harmful intent.

I believe it was 4 years since you had contact?
Back before 9-11 I had a large shop. vmc's, turning centers, lathes, mills, auto band saw, ect.. After 9-11 all my customers went away ad I lost my shop and house. I have a few machines I wanted to keep but had no place to put them. I had a friend that had a shop and he built racing engines, AC nutter in Vancouver, WA. We made a deal that I could store them there and he can use them as much as he wanted, and if he broke them he fixed them. And they were mine and I could use them any time I needed. This went on for a number of years. About 4 years ago I had a stroke and didn't get over there very often anymore to see him. Last week I went there and he was gone along with my bridgeport mill and victor 16 x 40 lathe. I found out he retired 2 years ago and sold his bushiness to a family member along with my machines.

So now wht do I do? I bught the machines in the late 90's and don't have anything but my word they were mine. I can file i smalol claims court but they only go up to $10k. I treid to file a police report over the phone but the person I talked to wouldn't even take a report. I called an attorney today and am wiating for them to get back to me to see if them will take the case.

Im ****** and want to hurt him, and I want my machines back, but I'm not sure that I have a leg to stand on. The dealer that I bought the lathe from is out of business, and the saleman died. I bought the mill from his son and have no idea where he is now.

So I have a feeling I'm just screwed.

If this is the way the deal was stated, I don't see any mention of you retaking possession of the machines going forward. I'm also not seeing mention of trying to talk to him in person or otherwise about this, have you done that?

Not trying to tell you you're wrong, just seeing this from the outside and taking it at face value.