Starrett Screw lost


May 31, 2022
This tiny screw came out and got lost...Where might I get another one?? Does Starrett offer these? probably would cost as much as a new I'm just wondering...
Use your thread pitch gauge to determine what thread it is, You may be able to get something that will work Here at Ace in Cedar City.
Starretts website is screwy since being bought.
Starretts website is screwy since being bought.
If it was a private equity company that bought it, That makes sense, And they will be out of business in a few years. The first thing they will do is get rid of the people that know what they are doing, Then they will have everything made in China.
Well...I just read Starrett sold to Middle Ground Capital...Prolly just a matter of time before it becomes Chinese. What an ABSOLUTE FRIGG'n SHAME! There is hardly anything left of the United States any more. China will take us over without firing a single shot. It's all about making BIG money and the heck with anything else.
RIP Starrett.
Well...I just read Starrett sold to Middle Ground Capital...Prolly just a matter of time before it becomes Chinese. What an ABSOLUTE FRIGG'n SHAME! There is hardly anything left of the United States any more. China will take us over without firing a single shot.
RIP Starrett.
Well, all the folks on here buying Chicom stuff is not helping.......
Two of you from cedar city on one thread. Holy ball point bananas, batman!

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Ya, I saw that but when I saw HARRY KNUTZ...I uhh...never mind.
Hey, Knutz where are you located in town? I'm north and west of Three Peaks on 20ac.