What Is Your Favorite Soaking And Cleaning Agent?

I use Crown PSC1000 from tractor supply in my parts washer. Works well for me. http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/crownreg;-psc-1000-parts-cleaner-5-gal

As for carb cleaner, I haven't found any carb soak that works as well as the old stuff from the 80s and before. I use CRC to clean carbs now, but I've read on several threads that yamaha carb cleaner mixed with water (as per instructions) and heated in a crock pot works about as good as the old stuff. I will try this Next time I need to clean a carb.

I knew there would be some guys old enough to know who Marge was! Sorry if I got the thread off subject I am just a smart ass and can't resist...
That was Madge doing the soaking... and yes, it is a decent detergent for removing dirty greasy stuff where water is appropriate.
That was Madge doing the soaking... and yes, it is a decent detergent for removing dirty greasy stuff where water is appropriate.

Yes you are correct it was Madge. Thanks for helping with my failing memory!
For your question on cleaning parts where you haven't disassembled the machine, I have rented a CO2 blaster. Works like a sandblasted using small pellets of CO2. You can often rent them from the gas suppliers like Air Liquide or Praxair.
Removes dirt and debris but not attached paint. Can also be used on motors and wiring.

Edit: interesting that the flag changes depending on where you are at the time of posting. Unfortunately New Brunswick is not in Mexico, though we are at the present!
I use both the Berrymans Chemtool and their carb soak. It gets expensive around here though. The carb soak only last a short while after opening and using on the first carb or parts. Best to clean them off first with the spray chemtool then soak them. I wish I could find some of the old stuff that I used, put the powder in the water, heat the vat to almost a boil, put any parts in except aluminum and an hour or so later you had bright shiny parts. You had a separate vat and solution for anything made of Alum or soft medal like that. The big one would pretty much eat it. (did it once just to see).

Mineral spirits and a little atf in the parts washer. Keep acetone, alcohol, and lacquer thinner on hand. I have a sure shot sprayer and keep a 5gal. can of brake parts cleaner on hand. I use a non chlorinated brand sold by the local Interstate battery dealer. This may have been posted before but I will reiterate. DO NOT use brake parts cleaner on parts to be welded! It can create phosgene gas aka mustard gas. That is one of the uses for the acetone and alcohol as I do a fair amount of Tig welding and use those prior to welding. I have no experience with it but have heard lot's of people use Zep floor stripper from Home Depot to clean the painted surfaces of grimy machines. Anybody have any experience with this product?
