Fall 2015 Central Florida Machinists Get-together


Active User
Oct 20, 2014
Hi All,

I plugged the locations given in the forum thread into Google Earth, and came to this conclusion -

Gator and fixit live the furthest away. If both of them want to come to a gathering, a central location would be in north Pasco somewhere. If Fixit can't make it, south Pasco looks to be the next best alternative. If Gator can't make it, Hernando county becomes the central location.

I live in southern Citrus county, and I can host the event. I can get folding tables and chairs from work, and I can borrow a huge cooler to keep the mild (and adult) beverages cool. I may be able to talk a friend into bringing up a cooler full of his home-brew beers as well. My shop is narrow, hot, and congested, but I'm happy to share it, and if anybody has a project they want to bring along, that's great. If I can get some patterns made before that weekend, we can fire up the foundry and cast some aluminum. I also have a little flux-core welder (Lincoln WeldPak HD) with a new spool of wire in it, so anybody who wants to try their hand at welding is more than welcome to. If someone wants to bring an oxy-acetylene rig and show others how to braze and cut, that would be great too.

We'll all have to figure out what to do about food, though.

So, there's my idea thrown out there. The dates are flexible, and I realize that my location isn't central to everybody. Let's hear everybody else's input on this.

I live in Middleburg as well, I would not mind a drive to Citrus county and see your shop.

I'm in Inverness. I go to a garden group party in Lakeland twice a year, the closest Starbucks is the Villages or Brooksville, and a costco trip is all the way to Clearwater. I can see driving an hour to rub elbows with others that are afflicted with a desire to carve metal.
I'm new to this forum and machining and live in Brooksville and if it's OK I wouldn't mind taking a drive .
No worrys MoN,
You are welcome to join in on the fun.
Seems to me most of you guys live north of me .So keep it simple and go with ogberi's offer and meet at his place.If I can make it I will.
When would this be? I'd like to go if I am not working
A tentative date is September 12th, a Saturday. Waiting on more people to chime in on whether they want to come.
Hi All,

Any more interest in this? I'm happy to host it, be it one person that shows up or a dozen. Just need a show of hands, so I know what to expect and what I need to get together. All those that can make it, say Aye.
