Don't you hate it when this happens?


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 5, 2010
Yeah, I am just about finished restoring a 1959 Atlas MFC and now I find I have 2 parts left over. I set them aside during the tear down and they were out of sight during the rebuild. I just don't remember where they came from. Of course I have nothing more than a copy of the owners manual so I can't even give them a name . I am guessing the spindle, but though I might ask before tearing it apart. Are there any Atlas gurus among us that can tell me where they go and how they are configured? The long one is . 20 “ wide and the shorter one is . 25“ wide.



They are steel. They appear to be some sort of a sliding key that might be used in a transmission to change gears. Or some form of clutch dog. It has me baffled.
I know I took them out of the machine, but I just don't remember where.

Thanks, I have the same manual and I agree, they aren't pictured. I wish I could find more exploded drawings and a parts list. It looks like I am going to have to tear it down again and look for unused key ways :-(
I really don't want to deal with that spindle again if I don't have to.

I completely refurbished one a couple of years ago. It had the auto table feed as well.
Those parts don’t look familiar - at all.
I sold it so I can’t go and look, but I never ran across those parts. Sorry.
Some kind of sliding spacer for gear clearance, or a set distance ? Just a WAG here.........:dunno:
Yeah, I am just about finished restoring a 1959 Atlas MFC and now I find I have 2 parts left over. I set them aside during the tear down and they were out of sight during the rebuild. I just don't remember where they came from. Of course I have nothing more than a copy of the owners manual so I can't even give them a name . I am guessing the spindle, but though I might ask before tearing it apart. Are there any Atlas gurus among us that can tell me where they go and how they are configured? The long one is . 20 “ wide and the shorter one is . 25“ wide.

The one on the right looks like a table plug - the originals were a hard rubber. It goes on the right side of the table and prevents cutting fluid from spilling out of the hold down slot. I can't help with the one on the left, it doesn't look familiar.

Well, I figured out what they were and where they go.
They are specialized cutter keys that fit on the arbor. The low spots allow the key to fit under the cutter spacers and the high spots lock the cutter in place. When I started to install a cutter on the arbor I got one of those Duh! moments.
So mystery solved.
Thanks for the replies.
