Best way to unload a Bridgeport from back of truck


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Sep 1, 2018
Hopefully getting a Bridgeport dropped off at my little shop.all I have to unload is a engine hoist.thinking might need to disassemble some to get unloaded.maybe a lift gate on truck.any ideas? Thanks Phil image.jpeg
Engine hoist is completely out of the question; do you have a strong beam over your garage door?
No beam.might have time to make a a frame out of 4x6" treated beams..or would disassebly be better.just sold my 3 ton chain hoist cause never used it..
a gantry can be built rather inexpensively, 4x6 would be great!!!
but then you'll need the chain fall again too :mad:

that would be the easiest way
I would not recommend taking things apart; with limited means to handle parts, damage could be a likely result, to say nothing of injuries, Possible you could rent a gantry -----
Get smart and move it with a drop deck (drop bed) trailer. The money spent renting the trailer could easily cost much less than a damaged mill, a damaged truck, or an injured person or two. Not to mention that moving it that way is a piece of cake. All you need is some pipes to roll it on, a pry bar to get it up high enough for the pipes to roll in, and some tie down stuff. A pickup is a very poor way to move a knee mill. Too top heavy.
Check with your local wrecker/towing company to see if they have a boom truck. They can lift it out of the truck and set it in your shop.
Thanks for the suggestions.I've got some thinking to do..gonna be in a box truck.makes it more difficult.