What machinist toys I want for Christmas...

Digital readouts for the other 2 axes of my milling machine because the z-axis DRO is working out so well.

Nothing. I just want to be here to watch the kids wreck all the hard work to wrap their stuff. :lmao::lmao:

"Billy G" :lmao:
A SB 9 steady rest or elp that puts things away.
I picked up a 4x6 band saw yesterday. This is my Christmas present.
I want 1200 square feet more shop space and and Elf that will keep everything perfectly clean and organized at all times!

Other than that, I'm grateful for the things I have and am perfectly willing to let time and need dictate what other things come my way.
Just want all to be successful in their endevors.. and I hope that mine will be fruitfull..
Deer Santa,

Motivation, Motivation & Motivation is what I NEED. Have watched ALL TubalCain's stuff, Welding Tips & Tricks & most of Keith Fenners stuff along with many other interesting items on YouTube. Now have Pieces, Parts & Projects all over the place but NO Motivation to get up and Get'er Dun!!!

PS: A HOTTIE 18 yr old Elf WBN! (wbn = Wood B Nice) 8=}

Have ALWAYS wished "I" could be Santa!
HE knows where ALL the BAD Girls live...

:whistle: Dixie

An indexable face mill, arbor and round inserts for it; a square shoulder shell mill for the same arbor; a 1/2" x 3" DOC solid carbide end mill; a full set of 5C collets and a D1-4 collet chuck for them;

Oh, since I've been extra-extra good this year, a Haas VF-2 with enough space and power for it :) Let's live large.....