Resolved Hot Links to H-M vs Ad Blocker


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Nov 24, 2014

I run an ad blocker and it's moot (normally) on H-M because of my Diamond membership. Win 10, Chrome.

Please follow:
I'm reading thread "A".
Thread "A" contains a reply which includes a hot link to an H-M thread "B".
I click the hot link and it opens thread "B" in the same tab and the "AdBlock Detected" dialog box (is that what it's called?) stops me in my tracks.

My complaint:
I would prefer that the hot link would open in a new tab, so leave thread "A" tab alone. I can solve the problem by right clicking on the hot link and selecting "Open in a new tab" but I would prefer if a new tab was the default.
More importantly, that damn "AdBlock Detected" stops me again in the new tab, or a new window, or if I copy the URL to a new tab.

When clicking a hot-link to a H-M thread, can't the software check the permissions of the member before throwing up the "AdBlock Detected"?
If I'm logged into H-M as a Diamond member, shouldn't I be able to follow hot links to other H-M threads without being caught by a snare trap or going through a bunch of gymnastics to find the exact name of the hot linked thread then searching H-M to find it?

Am I doing something wrong or is there a simple technique I need to learn?

That screen shot is not what I see. I assume you aren't running an ad blocker. In the upper right corner of the screen shot I see "Log In". Assuming you were "logged in" when you clicked the hot link, that would seem the crux of the problem. Clicking the link doesn't recognize that you were logged in so ads show up. In my case, running an Ad blocker, I see the "AdBlocker Detected" barrier.

Screenshot (3).png
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@extropic, thanks for the screenshot. This explains the situation better from my end.

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@extropic, can you tell me if this is still occurring? Sorry for the excessive delay. I am curious if it is still a problem for you or if the cookie has expired since we last talked and has resolved the matter on its own.
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Hi Bryan,

I had forgotten about this issue, which means it hasn't slapped me in the face since last May.
I had to re-read the thread to remind myself of the issues.

When I click on the hotlink (referred to in reply #3 above) it opens in the same window and I become logged out.
Shouldn't the software recognize that I was logged in?

I don't seem to be running adBlocker anymore so that part is moot, to me.
I suspect there is no change in circumstances, but like I said, it hasn't slapped me in the face so I'm not complaining.
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Hi Bryan,

I had forgotten about this issue, which means it hasn't slapped me in the face since last May.
I had to re-read the thread to remind myself of the issues.

When I click on the hotlink (referred to in reply #3 above) it opens in the same window and I become logged out.
Shouldn't the software recognize that I was logged in?

I don't seem to be running adBlocker anymore so that part is moot, to me.
I suspect there is no change in circumstances, but like I said, it hasn't slapped me in the face so I'm not complaining.
Yes, it should recognize the cookie and keep you logged in. You shouldn't notice anything but the fact that you made it there.

You may consider clearing cookies and data for the site and try logging back in. That may help.
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I just did a disk cleanup and the link still displays in the original tab and shows me logged out.
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I just did a disk cleanup and the link still displays in the original tab and shows me logged out.

Head scratcher. Let me sleep on it.

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@extropic. Cleaning up site support issues. I'm assuming this issue is no longer relevant?
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