1/3 scale Cub

That sure does not look like an 049 motor....
@Dhal22 those two engines are seriously cool! How do you decide between the two? What are some advantages and disadvantages of each?
What are you covering it with?
I built a Cub (kit) many years ago, under the supervision of an old master. We covered it with silk and "dope".
@Dhal22 those two engines are seriously cool! How do you decide between the two? What are some advantages and disadvantages of each?

I don't know and I don't know. Both are perfect for the cub and I just don't know. Will do the 4 cylinder if the cylinders stick out of the cowling like the real plane.
I've never built an RC but I built 3 experimentals. So all the pictures interest me even if I no longer fly. First was a Kolb Firestar new kit. I flew that for over 450 hours. Taught myself to fly in it at a local little used county airport. There were no instructors nearby at the time. Just read the book and did what it said! Two years later I was bored so decided to build another plane. That was a scratch built all metal Zenith 601HD and took 12 years to finish. Last one was a Kolb MK3 put together from mostly used parts from all over the country. All have been sold for about 9 years now. When I see a small plane go over something inside me smiles and remembers but other than that I don't miss all the maintenance. Even forgot where to look for pictures now.