1889 stevens favorite

normks Mine isnt wore loose, its practically new, I built every piece of it except I relined an original Favorite barrel and only fired a hundred rounds or so thru it..I think the problem is that the extractor comes out so far to the rear that its rotating to a low position relative the position of the chamber.This extractor comes back approx 3/8 of an inch, maybe a bit more I should measure it for reference......Wonder how far back comes the extractor in your authentic 1894? .... I could probably fix this nuisance if I cared enough....hmmm..Not very important all things considered.

..I note that my Stevens model 44 and 1/2 ( also home shop built by me) with extractor at bottom side of the chamber only moves backwards maybe a 1/4 inch..that and chambering longer cartridges helps to engage the extractor with the rim of the cartridge upon loading a round..
alpha i looked at both guns they both cam off the handle to the extractorlever.jpgextrac.jpg
my extrator thickness near where it strikes the handle is about .150 but looks like the how thich of ectractoe or how how the lever is relieved has a great deal of how far the extactor travles. mine only comes about .250 befor it makes contact wthe breach block

lever.jpg extrac.jpg
normks I measured and see my extractor comes out .270 and is wiggly-er than it needs to be....I am sure I sat and carefully filed on the extractor to give it maximum travel and to make it loose enough for easy operation.. So apparently I boogered it up.. I may get a wild hair and make a new extractor for it this weekend..

Its on my want-to-do list to build another Stevens Favorite.. I have learned a lot since I built these two favorites and should now be able to build one that is considerable better than first go-round...Might build one of the "Sideplate" Stevens . There good write-up and pictures of it in the DeHaas book "Single Shot Rifles and Actions" ......Naturally working from sketchs rather than copying an original do result in some less than precisely right areas like this poorly made extractor. Fortunately its just a hobby .....fact is ,Presently building a pair of Maynards from the drawing in DeHaas book..
well wolf did you have a thread to the stevens build here or elsewhere. i like them they are light small and good shooters both.jpg

I like yours better than mine..I put old weaver 22 scopes on mine.Makes'em look sorta authentic but they are awful for actually seeing anything.I made a bullet trap for inside my shop and almost cant see the reticule inside the dimly lit shop...Here couple pictures of one Favorite I built..Here is a thread I started on another forum to show some of my builds.http://www.chaski.org/homemachinist/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=89200
Actually ..Honestly I sorta slammed the Favorites together..Didnt use a lot of care because they for me were just another single shot .22 that I wasnt going to do anything with but hang'em on the wall....100_2056.jpg100_2053.jpg


i had a sexy small old scope on mine but so blind that i need 10 power to shoot 50 yard good and 6x24 on the 17 mach 2 barrels brought the miss to hit ratio closer
That would be real sweet. A Favorite in .17 mach2 with a big scope ??? NICE.. I want one of them!! .....See the problem dontcha, there is no end to the fun projects ...I built a Stevens 44 and 1/2 in that chambering and have big scope on it but she is a real heavy rifle....But its the most accurate squirrel buster that I have.....I Like them leetle 17 caliber pills...I have also got a Highwall in 17 HMR about halfway finished, hope she'll be a good shooter too.................You have lathe and mill and all that? .....I havent finished a scratch build since january 2010..They take too long to build to be a perfect hobby but its good excuse to play in the shop and once finished the guns are fun to play with...I still have a lot to learn but not as much as when I started.:))
yea wolf iv never seen a bad shooting 17 hmr yet. i have one that has killed a lot of dogs in western ks .
iv seen you build all kinds of guns over the last few years on home gunsmith forums you do great work. im all new to it i do have a lathe and a mill hope some day to also build a few of my own some day soon .have a hopkins allen to get started on and finish first. i did a 17hmr barrel on a martini action for a friend shot greatDSC00057.JPGIMG00028-20120325-1352.jpg

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I have never seen a Hopkins Allen other than online and in books..I'd grab one if I seen an old beater in my modest price range.Yours the shotgun or rifle? I want to see pictures when you get around to doing the work...I am glad to find another guy into the old guns..LOTS of fellows are working on newer stuff.

When I am an older dude I want to be buying less common antique guns and then I will take them apart and make good drawings of all the parts and resell the original ..Then build my own replica...Some of the old single shot pistols appeal to me...And presently I am enamored with breechloading cartridge carbines issued in the Civil War.There about 20 different kinds of them that I would like to replicate if I live long enough and the creek dont rise.....
I have never seen a Hopkins Allen other than online and in books..I'd grab one if I seen an old beater in my modest price range.Yours the shotgun or rifle? I want to see pictures when you get around to doing the work...I am glad to find another guy into the old guns..LOTS of fellows are working on newer stuff.

When I am an older dude I want to be buying less common antique guns and then I will take them apart and make good drawings of all the parts and resell the original ..Then build my own replica...Some of the old single shot pistols appeal to me...And presently I am enamored with breechloading cartridge carbines issued in the Civil War.There about 20 different kinds of them that I would like to replicate if I live long enough and the creek dont rise.....


All this talk about Favorites and other guns was making my ears burn. I figured something was up.

I have a H&A .410 single shot shotgun that's a lot of fun to shoot. It's pretty much in mint condition and has a color case hardened receiver. It would be a simple gun to build. ;)

I share you interest in creating drawings for old guns. It's amazing how few are actually available considering how many different guns are out there. I've been looking for drawings of the 1873 Colt single action "Peacemaker" for years but they are just not available. I would create them myself, but can't afford to buy one to reverse engineer. Even one in crappy condition is several thousand bucks.
