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Years ago, when polish jokes were the rage, I was at a nightclub, and a group of us were around the pool table telling those jokes. A guy came up to me really mad, told me he was polish and didn't appreciate the humor. He was really worked up and challenged me to go outside over it. Whatta you do? So, we went out, and the guy pulled a razor on me, I think he would have cut me if he'd have found a place to plug it in.
I was at a rubber chicken dinner once, and the hired "comedian" said he was about to tell a Polish joke. Asked if anybody in the audience was Polish. I raised my hand and told him I was half Polish ... to which he replied, "OK. I'll tell it slowly."
I like liver also. Back when I was still deer hunting it was one of the first meals of venison as it is removed when field dressing the deer. One of theses days I will fry up a batch of chicken livers. I haven't done that in more than 25 years.
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