[How-To] 7x lathe chuck nut mounting tool

With the curved section sitting on the spindle, the nut doesn't quite line up well enough to make it easy to get it started on the stud and the gears are meshed very tightly. I suppose my lathe may have a slightly different spindle diameter and/or stud spacing?
The tool I printed fits my Sieg with the 80mm spindle flange. I also found that a bit of 'deburring' and smoothing of the gears and gear housings made things move more easily. There was some discussion in the FaceBook 7x lathe group (where I posted the same info) and another user developed a larger version to suit the 100mm flange on his lathe.
Looks great.
I just my fingers today
But one time I would jump on because my fingers are num from chemo.


Or peripheral neuropathy. 8^(

But lucky for me personally, the 4 inch spindle protrudes a bit farther out. The old mini with a 3 inch spindle is problem.

Nice solutions!
Or peripheral neuropathy. 8^(

But lucky for me personally, the 4 inch spindle protrudes a bit farther out. The old mini with a 3 inch spindle is problem.

Nice solutions!

Sieg SC3 I picked up last year has a 3" spindle flange. Have a plan to resolve that though...

You know, I had looked at the sieg mini mills... It ocurred to me that it might be possible to retro fit a short headstock simply by drilling two new mounting holes since, as far as I am aware, sieg mini mills share the same headstock casting as the lathes, at least, they used to....
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